I covered these cupcakes in pale blue icing rounds and used a pink buttercream and a small nozzled piping bag to create filigree and lace style patterns onto the cakes. 
This design was very simple to create.. once I had piped butter icing onto the cupcake I simply pushed chocolate button halves into the icing in layers and finished the cake off with coloured sugar balls in the centre.

My boyfriend, Joe, helped me to make this cake for his Grandmas birthday. The idea is similar to the cake below. We made plenty of different sized icing roses and cut the bottoms flat so that they would sit on the cake. After the sponge had been iced with white icing, Joe iced a pink border around the cake and we stuck the flowers on, using cocktail sticks to hold the pink rose onto the side of the cake. Grandma was iced onto a separate plaque of icing and the swirl design was piped on with pink butter icing- the same butter icing that I use to pipe cupcakes with. I researched filigree patterns online and used them as inspiration to create a pattern on the cake using a piping bag and a very small circular piping nozzle.
A recent birthday cake for my mum, decorated using shop bought icing pens, edible sugar pearl balls, sugar buterflies and handmade roses.
I decorated this cake using red and white icing and a blue shop-bought icing pen. I iced the cake with a sheet of icing and formed the collar and buttons separately. Using the icing pen I drew the Ralph Lauren logo onto the shirt and personalised the tag. 

I made this cake for a friend who recently moved to America, hence the stars and stripes theme. Unfortunately he doesn't eat chocolate so instead of buying a slab of brown chocolate icing, I set about mixing a brown colour using red, blue and yellow food colouring. I drew out the design beforehand which made the process much easier.

I covered a rectangular victoria sponge in the brown icing and moulded a handle, buckles and a luggage tag. I bought a plane shape cutter from a kitchen store which made modelling the 3D plane a bit easier. I used a paintbrush to painnt windows and details to the plane, and also to paint the buckles and screws with edible metallic bronze paint. I love the metallic paint as it gives a special, more realistic edge to cakes. I finished the cake with blue and red shapes and flags, and then iced a message onto the luggage tag.
I always used to make my brownies using a packet mix, they were so delicious and always turned out the same. When I could no longer buy my regular packet mix I decided it was time to find a recipe to make good brownies from scratch. I was surprised at how easy they are to make. The following recipe makes amazing brownies - you will nee to use a good bar of dark chocolate (at least 70%) and 100% cocoa powder to achieve the rich flavour... Heaven!
I found this recipe on the BBC food website, created by Lisa Faulkner.

This brownie has been topped with shelled pistachios  sour cherries and orange zest.

You will need:
100g butter
100g dark cooking chocolate
50g plain flour
45g cocoa powder
175g caster sugar
1 teaspoon of baking powder
2 eggs 
1) Melt the butter and chocolate in a dish over a pan of simmering water
2) Sift the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder into a large mixing bowl then stir in the sugar
3) Pour in the melted butter and chocolate
4) Mix in the eggs, one at a time and mix until everything is combined
5) Pour the mixture into a greased and lined tin and pop into an oven at 190C for 15-20 minutes and Hey Presto!

For a more extravagant brownie, sprinkle the top with nuts/fruit/peel/chocolate chips before putting into the oven. Courtesy of Jamie Oliver my personal favorite topper is sour cherries.. the more the better!!
Minnie, waiting for a slice of brownie!
Every year, my Nan bakes a delicious Christmas fruit cake and I am given the task of decorating it. I admit that I saw a similar design to this on a shop bought cake and thought it looked really effective, so i got to work with some blocks of icing and modeled an icing Santa and a sack for the presents. I covered the top of the cake a softer icing to stick the shapes to and finished the cake with some ribbon and dolly mixtures for the presents. I really enjoyed decorating the cake and find it much more enjoyable when I have found a design to work from, rather than making it up as I go along!
A round victoria sponge cake filled with buttercream and jam.
Iced in white and black hexagons to create a football. I used red icing to wrap a scarf around the cake and iced 'Joe' and the grass with a shop bought icing pen. The logo is paper so it was not edible but if you have more time it is possible to buy edible pictures online.
Tonight I decided to put all of my cake photos in one folder on my computer and was surprised at finding photos of cakes I decorated years ago and forgotten about. This was one of my first attempts at cake decorating, which I did for my Mum's birthday. After icing the cake in white, I used a shop bought pink icing pen to create a swirly design with flowers.
I iced my Mum's name onto white icing and tore the edges, which I then placed onto a green plaque to make it stand out.